11 - Researching Cancer. Book pg. 143-157

Three resources are featured:

11a) Cancer.gov/PDQ,

11b) Oncolink, and


11(a) Cancer.gov/PDQ.

A Base Report on cancer, in addition to the "review" citations
from MEDLINE, necessarily includes the information
from CancerNet/PDQ, created and maintained by the National
Cancer Institute. Although there are various sectors to this database, three sectors are highlighted here.

Cancer.gov/PDQ - Procedure Summary

1) Log to: [http://www.cancer.gov].

2) Select "Cancer Information".

3) Scroll down and Select "PDQ".

4) Scroll down and Select "PDQ - Cancer Information Summaries: Treatment.

5) In the Table of Contents page, scroll down to find the particular subject of interest and select the "patients" protocol.

6) Review the text as is or use the "Printable Version".

7) For the technical protocol, select the "health professional" link and repeat the display routines.

8) Then, to obtain the experimental, "clinical trials", while on the same page, select that link.

9) Select the link for "Finding Clinical Trials.

10) Select the link, "Search NCI's Clinical Trials Database".

11) Using the pop-up menu, select the desired type of cancer.

12) Scroll to the bottom of this page and select the "search" function.

13) That retrieves the current clinical trials. Select "display".

14) To see the details of a particular protocol, select the linked text. Or select the check box for the protocols desired and then "display" them simultaneously.

11(b) - Oncolink for cancers.

There are numerous web-sites on the Internet which specialize in cancer information. When you use the search engines such as Yahoo.com, Excite.com, etc. you will discover them. One of the more popular ones, which physicians seem to endorse is Oncolink.

11(c) - Cancerlit.

CANCERLIT is a bibliographic database that specializes in cancer research and that contains more than 1.3 million citations and abstracts from over 4,000 different sources including biomedical journals, proceedings, books, reports, and doctoral theses. Produced by the National Cancer Institute's International Cancer Information Center, CANCERLIT has been in existence for more than twenty years and contains references to the vast realm of cancer literature published from 1963 to the present. CANCERLIT is updated with more than 8,000 records every month.

