Index of Diseases


Fabry Disease

Definition: Lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A and resulting in an accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in the renal and cardiovascular systems. The disease is X-linked and is characterized by telangiectatic skin lesions, renal failure, and disturbances of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. Annotation: a lysosomal storage dis; do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; do not confuse X ref ANDERSON-FABRY DISEASE with ANDERSEN'S DISEASE see GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE TYPE IV ID#: D000795

Facial Asymmetry

Definition: Congenital or acquired asymmetry of the face. Annotation: if congen use /congen; do not confuse with FACIAL HEMIATROPHY; since asymmetry is lateral, long face syndrome does not go here: index under FACIAL BONES /abnorm (IM) + MALOCCLUSION or specific type (IM) + SYNDROME (NIM) ID#: D005146

Facial Dermatoses

Definition: Annotation: consider synonym for dermatitis of face & do not add DERMATITIS unless one of the specific DERMATITIS terms in MeSH; does not include neopl of face ( = FACIAL NEOPLASMS) ID#: D005148

Facial Hemiatrophy

Definition: A syndrome characterized by slowly progressive unilateral atrophy of facial subcutaneous fat, muscle tissue, skin, cartilage, and bone. The condition typically progresses over a period of 2-10 years and then stabilizes. Annotation: do not confuse with FACIAL ASYMMETRY; note HEMIFACIAL MICROSOMIA see FACIAL ASYMMETRY ID#: D005150

Facial Injuries

Definition: General or unspecified injuries to the soft tissue or bony portions of the face. Annotation: GEN or unspecified for soft tissue or bony portions of face; consider also /inj with FACIAL BONES or specific facial bones; fractures: see note on FACIAL BONES; TN 115: use of FACIAL INJURIES & jaw inj ID#: D005151

Facial Neoplasms

Definition: Annotation: usually of soft part of face; not for facial bone neopl ( = FACIAL BONES (IM) + SKULL NEOPLASMS (IM) ); HEAD AND NECK NEOPLASMS is also available; /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with site (NIM) as merely locational + histol type of neopl (IM) ID#: D005153

Facial Nerve Diseases

Definition: Diseases of the facial nerve or nuclei. Pontine disorders may affect the facial nuclei or nerve fascicle. The nerve may be involved intracranially, along its course through the petrous portion of the temporal bone, or along its extracranial course. Clinical manifestations include facial muscle weakness, loss of taste from the anterior tongue, hyperacusis, and decreased lacrimation. Annotation: ID#: D005155

Facial Nerve Injuries

Definition: Traumatic injuries to the facial nerve. This may result in FACIAL PARALYSIS, decreased lacrimation and salivation, and loss of taste sensation in the anterior tongue. The nerve may regenerate and reform its original pattern of innervation, or regenerate aberrantly, resulting in inappropriate lacrimation in response to gustatory stimuli (e.g., "crocodile tears") and other syndromes. Annotation: ID#: D020220

Facial Neuralgia

Definition: Neuralgic syndromes and other conditions which feature chronic or recurrent FACIAL PAIN as the primary manifestation of disease. Disorders of the trigeminal and facial nerves are frequently associated with these conditions. Annotation: ID#: D005156

Facial Pain

Definition: Pain in the facial region including orofacial pain and craniofacial pain. Associated conditions include local inflammatory and neoplastic disorders and neuralgic syndromes involving the trigeminal, facial, and glossopharyngeal nerves. Conditions which feature recurrent or persistent facial pain as the primary manifestation of disease are referred to as FACIAL PAIN SYNDROMES. Annotation: ID#: D005157

Facial Paralysis

Definition: Severe or complete loss of facial muscle motor function. This condition may result from central or peripheral lesions. Damage to CNS motor pathways from the cerebral cortex to the facial nuclei in the pons leads to facial weakness that generally spares the forehead muscles. FACIAL NERVE DISEASES generally results in generalized hemifacial weakness. NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION DISEASES and MUSCULAR DISEASES may also cause facial paralysis or paresis. Annotation: ID#: D005158

Factor V Deficiency

Definition: A deficiency of blood coagulation factor V (known as proaccelerin or accelerator globulin or labile factor) leading to a rare hemorrhagic tendency known as Owren's disease or parahemophilia. It varies greatly in severity. Factor V deficiency is an autosomal recessive trait. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: a blood coag disord; DF: FACTOR V DEFIC ID#: D005166

Factor VII Deficiency

Definition: An autosomal recessive characteristic or a coagulation disorder acquired in association with VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY. FACTOR VII is a Vitamin K dependent glycoprotein essential to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. Annotation: DF: FACTOR VII DEFIC ID#: D005168

Factor X Deficiency

Definition: Blood coagulation disorder usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, though it can be acquired. It is characterized by defective activity in both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, impaired thromboplastin time, and impaired prothrombin consumption. Annotation: a blood coag disord; DF: FACTOR X DEFIC ID#: D005171

Factor XI Deficiency

Definition: A deficiency of blood coagulation factor XI (known as plasma thromboplastin antecedent or PTA or antihemophilic factor C) resulting in a systemic blood-clotting defect called hemophilia C or Rosenthal's syndrome, that may resemble classical hemophilia. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: a blood coag disord; DF: FACTOR XI DEFIC ID#: D005173

Factor XII Deficiency

Definition: An absence or reduced level of blood coagulation factor XII. It normally occurs in the absence of patient or family history of hemorrhagic disorders and is marked by prolonged clotting time. Annotation: a blood coag disord; DF: FACTOR XII DEFIC ID#: D005175

Factor XIII Deficiency

Definition: A deficiency of blood coagulation FACTOR XIII or fibrin stabilizing factor (FSF) that prevents blood clot formation and results in a clinical hemorrhagic diathesis. Annotation: DF: FACTOR XIII DEFIC ID#: D005177

Failure to Thrive

Definition: A condition in which an infant or child's weight gain and growth are far below usual levels for age. Annotation: ID#: D005183

Fallopian Tube Diseases

Definition: Annotation: inflamm dis = SALPINGITIS ID#: D005184

Fallopian Tube Neoplasms

Definition: Annotation: /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with histol type of neopl (IM) ID#: D005185

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Definition: An autosomal recessive inherited disease characterized by episodic fever, severe abdominal pain, pleurisy, arthritis, and a characteristic ankle rash. Disease flare-ups tend to last 3 days, and individuals are asymptomatic between attacks. Orchitis, a benign recurrent MENINGITIS, headaches, and amyloid nephropathy may also occur. (From Medicine (Baltimore) 1998 Jul;77(4):268-97) Annotation: a specific disease entity: do not use X ref PERIODIC DISEASE for periodically occurring dis ( = PERIODICITY (IM) + disease (IM)) ID#: D010505

Fanconi Anemia

Definition: Congenital disorder affecting all bone marrow elements, resulting in anemia, leukopenia, and thrombopenia, and associated with cardiac, renal, and limb malformations as well as dermal pigmentary changes. Spontaneous chromosome breakage is a feature of this disease along with predispostion to leukemia. There are at least 7 complementation groups in Fanconi anemia: FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG. (from Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man,, MIM# 227650, April 23, 2001) Annotation: do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; do not confuse with FANCONI SYNDROME, a dysfunction of proximal renal tubules ID#: D005199

Fanconi Syndrome

Definition: Constellation of clinical and laboratory manifestations produced by generalized proximal tubular insufficiency in the presence of normal, or nearly normal, glomerular filtration. Annotation: TN 79: Fanconi syndromes not in MeSH: how to index; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; do not confuse with FANCONI ANEMIA which is sometimes refered to as Fanconi syndrome ID#: D005198

Farmer's Lung

Definition: Systemic and pulmonary reactions resulting from inhalation of dust from moldy hay, threshing dust, or moldy straw, by persons who have become hypersensitive to antigens in the dust. It is most often associated with inhalation of spores of Micromonospora faeni or Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. (From Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: caused by bacteria Micropolyspora & Thermoactinomyces (see MICROMONOSPORACEAE) ID#: D005203


Definition: Involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers innervated by a motor unit. Fasciculations can often by visualized and take the form of a muscle twitch or dimpling under the skin, but usually do not generate sufficient force to move a limb. They may represent a benign condition or occur as a manifestation of MOTOR NEURON DISEASE or PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1294) Annotation: note category: do not confuse with axonal fasciculation (index under AXONS /physiol) ID#: D005207


Definition: Inflammation of the fascia. There are three major types: 1) Eosinophilic fasciitis, an inflammatory reaction with eosinophilia, producing hard thickened skin with an orange-peel configuration suggestive of scleroderma and considered by some a variant of scleroderma; 2) Necrotizing fasciitis (FASCIITIS, NECROTIZING), a serious fulminating infection (usually by a beta hemolytic streptococcus) causing extensive necrosis of superficial fascia; 3) Nodular/Pseudosarcomatous /Proliferative fasciitis, characterized by a rapid growth of fibroblasts with mononuclear inflammatory cells and proliferating capillaries in soft tissue, often the forearm; it is not malignant but is sometimes mistaken for fibrosarcoma. Annotation: see MeSH definition for major types; eosinophilic fasciitis: coord IM with EOSINOPHILIA (IM); FASCIITIS, NECROTIZING is available ID#: D005208

Fasciitis, Necrotizing

Definition: A fulminating group A streptococcal infection beginning with severe or extensive cellulitis that spreads to involve the superficial and deep fascia, producing thrombosis of the subcutaneous vessels and gangrene of the underlying tissues. A cutaneous lesion usually serves as a portal of entry for the infection, but sometimes no such lesion is found. (Dorland, 28th ed) Annotation: a fulminating Streptococcus pyogenes infect ID#: D019115


Definition: Helminth infection of the liver caused by species of Fasciola. Annotation: trematode infect of liver caused by FASCIOLA; do not confuse with FASCIOLOIDIASIS (caused by Fascioloides) or FASCIOLOPSIASIS (caused by Fasciolopsis) ID#: D005211


Definition: Infection of cattle and other herbivores with the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna. It is characterized by extensive destruction of the liver parenchyma. Annotation: trematode infect; usually animal; check tag ANIMAL; caused by FASCIOLOIDES; do not confuse with FASCIOLIASIS (caused by FASCIOLA) or FASCIOLOPSIASIS (caused by FASCIOLOPSIS) ID#: D005213

Fat Necrosis

Definition: A condition in which the death of adipose tissue results in neutral fats being split into fatty acids and glycerol. Annotation: ID#: D005218


Definition: The state of weariness following a period of exertion, mental or physical, characterized by a decreased capacity for work and reduced efficiency to respond to stimuli. Annotation: do not use for fatigue of isolated muscle fibers in physiol exper ( = MUSCLE FATIGUE) ID#: D005221

Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic

Definition: A syndrome characterized by persistent or recurrent fatigue, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, and subjective cognitive impairment of 6 months duration or longer. Symptoms are not caused by ongoing exertion; are not relieved by rest; and result in a substantial reduction of previous levels of occupational, educational, social, or personal activities. Minor alterations of immune, neuroendocrine, and autonomic function may be associated with this syndrome. There is also considerable overlap between this condition and FIBROMYALGIA. (From Semin Neurol 1998;18(2):237-42; Ann Intern Med 1994 Dec 15;121(12): 953-9) Annotation: a clinical entity: do not confuse with "chronic fatigue" ( = FATIGUE (IM) + CHRONIC DISEASE (NIM)); DF: CFIDS ID#: D015673

Fatty Liver

Definition: Yellow discoloration of the liver due to fatty degeneration of liver parenchymal cells. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: fatty degeneration of liver cells ID#: D005234

Fatty Liver, Alcoholic

Definition: Fatty liver in alcoholics. It is potentially reversible and may be associated with alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis. Annotation: ID#: D005235


Definition: Hemolytic anemia due to the ingestion of fava beans or after inhalation of pollen from the Vicia fava plant by persons with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient erythrocytes. Annotation: a hemolytic anemia caused by fava bean or its pollen ID#: D005236

Fecal Incontinence

Definition: Failure of voluntary control of the anal sphincters, with involuntary passage of feces and flatus. Annotation: of organic origin: differentiate from ENCOPRESIS, of psychol origin ID#: D005242

Feces, Impacted

Definition: A large firm mass of stool formed in the rectum or distal colon. Annotation: note category ID#: D005244

Feline Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Definition: Acquired defect of cellular immunity that occurs in cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and in some cats infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Annotation: caused by a lentivirus; coord IM with FELINE IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (IM) or LEUKEMIA VIRUS, FELINE (IM) if pertinent; don't forget also CATS (NIM) & check tag ANIMAL; DF: note short X ref ID#: D016181

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Definition: Common coronavirus infection of cats caused by the feline infectious peritonitis virus (CORONAVIRUS, FELINE). The disease is characterized by a long incubation period, fever, depression, loss of appetite, wasting, and progressive abdominal enlargement. Infection of cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage appears to be essential in FIP pathogenesis. Annotation: DF: FELINE INFECT PERITONITIS ID#: D016766

Feline Panleukopenia

Definition: A highly contagious DNA virus infection of the cat family and of mink, characterized by fever, enteritis and bone marrow changes. It is also called feline ataxia, feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious enteritis, cat fever, cat plague, show fever. Annotation: caused by a parvovirus; don't forget also CATS (NIM) & check tag ANIMAL; in minks, coord with MINK (IM) ID#: D005254

Felty's Syndrome

Definition: A combination of rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly, leukopenia, pigmented spots on lower extremities, and other evidence of hypersplenism (anemia and thrombocytopenia). (From Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: a type of rheum arthritis ID#: D005258

Female Genital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications

Definition: Annotation: not used for indexing CATALOG: do not use ID#: D005261


Definition: Annotation: develop of female secondary sex characteristics in the male; check the tag MALE ID#: D005262

Femoral Fractures

Definition: Fractures of the femur. Annotation: of femoral shaft only; see X refs & note at HIP FRACTURES ID#: D005264

Femoral Neck Fractures

Definition: Fractures of the short, constricted portion of the thigh bone between the femur head and the trochanters. It excludes intertrochanteric fractures which are HIP FRACTURES. Annotation: ID#: D005265

Femoral Neoplasms

Definition: Annotation: /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with specific FEMUR HEAD or FEMUR NECK (NIM) as merely locational + histol type of neopl (IM) ID#: D005266

Femoral Neuropathy

Definition: Disease involving the femoral nerve. The femoral nerve may be injured by ISCHEMIA (e.g., in association with DIABETIC NEUROPATHIES), nerve compression, trauma, COLLAGEN DISEASES, and other disease processes. Clinical features include MUSCLE WEAKNESS or PARALYSIS of hip flexion and knee extension, ATROPHY of the quadriceps muscles, reduced or absent patellar reflex, and impaired sensation over the anterior and medial thigh. Annotation: ID#: D020428

Femur Head Necrosis

Definition: Aseptic or avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The major types are idiopathic (primary), as a complication of fractures or dislocations, and LEGG-PERTHES DISEASE. Annotation: ID#: D005271

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Definition: A disorder occurring in children born to alcoholic women who continue to drink heavily during pregnancy. Common abnormalities are growth deficiency (prenatal and postnatal), altered morphogenesis, mental deficiency, and characteristic facies - small eyes and flattened nasal bridge. Fine motor dysfunction and tremulousness are observed in the newborn. Annotation: in inf born to alcoholic mother; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005310

Fetal Anoxia

Definition: Fetal oxygen deficiency. Annotation: do not confuse with ASPHYXIA NEONATORUM ID#: D005311

Fetal Diseases

Definition: Annotation: GEN: prefer specifics; FETAL DISTRESS is available; anoxia = FETAL ANOXIA: do not confuse with ASPHYXIA NEONATORUM ID#: D005315

Fetal Distress

Definition: Adverse or threatening condition of the fetus identified by fetal bradycardia or tachycardia and passage of meconium in vertex presentation. Annotation: manifested by fetal bradycardia or tachycardia; do not confuse with RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (postnatal) ID#: D005316

Fetal Growth Retardation

Definition: The failure of a fetus to attain its expected growth potential at any gestational stage. Annotation: ID#: D005317

Fetal Macrosomia

Definition: A complication of several conditions including DIABETES MELLITUS and prolonged pregnancy. A macrosomic fetus is defined as weighing more than 4000 grams. Annotation: do not confuse with INFANT, POSTMATURE (born after 42 wks of gestation) ID#: D005320

Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture

Definition: Spontaneous rupture of amniotic sac before the onset of uterine contractions. Annotation: before onset of uterine contractions; DF: PROM ID#: D005322

Fetal Resorption

Definition: Death and resorption of the fetus at any stage after the completion of organogenesis which, in humans, is after the 9th week of gestation. It does not include embryo resorption (see EMBRYO LOSS). Annotation: "after completion of organogenesis": does not include embryo resorption (see EMBRYO LOSS) ID#: D005327

Fetofetal Transfusion

Definition: Passage of blood from one fetus to another via an arteriovenous communication or other shunt, in a monozygotic twin pregnancy. It results in anemia in one twin and polycythemia in the other. (Lee et al., Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology, 9th ed, p737-8) Annotation: "passage of blood from one fetus to another via an arteriovenous communication or other shunt"; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; do not coord with DISEASES IN TWINS; TN 186: differentiate among various "transfusion" concepts ID#: D005330

Fetomaternal Transfusion

Definition: Transplacental passage of fetal blood into the circulation of the maternal organism. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: transplacental passage of blood from fetus to mother's circ; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; TN 186: differentiate among various "transfusion" concepts; transfer of immunity from mother to fetus = IMMUNITY, MATERNALLY-ACQUIRED ID#: D005331


Definition: An abnormal elevation of body temperature, usually as a result of a pathologic process. Annotation: /ther = treatment of FEVER: differentiate from FEVER THERAPY see HYPERTHERMIA, INDUCED ( = high body temp induced to treat dis); /chem ind: consider also HYPERTHERMIA, INDUCED or PYROGENS ID#: D005334

Fever of Unknown Origin

Definition: Fever in which the etiology cannot be ascertained. Annotation: referred to as FUO; for ultimate determ of cause or origin coord FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN /etiol (IM) (not /diag) + disease /compl (IM) (not /diag) ID#: D005335


Definition: An adenoma containing fibrous tissue. It should be differentiated from ADENOFIBROMA which is a tumor composed of connective tissue (fibroma) containing glandular (adeno-) structures. (From Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: do not confuse with ADENOFIBROMA; /blood supply /chem /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with organ/neopl term (IM) ID#: D018226

Fibrocystic Disease of Breast

Definition: A chronic disorder comprising three variants which range from lesions consisting primarily of an overgrowth of fibrous tissue to those characterized by dominance of the proliferation of the epithelial parenchyma to a form of dysplasia characterized by both stromal and epithelial hyperplasia with the formation of cysts. Annotation: commonly chronic so do not coord with CHRONIC DISEASE; breast cyst fluid: coord IM with EXUDATES AND TRANSUDATES with pertinent qualif (NIM) ID#: D005348


Definition: A benign tumor of fibrous or fully developed connective tissue. Annotation: not for uterine fibroma ( = LEIOMYOMA + UTERINE NEOPLASMS); note X ref FIBROMATOSIS but FIBROMATOSIS, ABDOMINAL; FIBROMATOSIS, AGGRESSIVE & FIBROMATOSIS, GINGIVAL are available; coord IM with precoord organ/neopl term (IM) ID#: D005350

Fibroma, Desmoplastic

Definition: A extremely rare bone tumor characterized by abundant collagen formation and a fibrous stroma, without evidence of mitosis or pleomorphism. It appears on x-rays as an osteolytic lesion with well-defined margins and must be differentiated from primary fibrosarcoma of bone. (DeVita Jr et al., Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 3d ed, p1441) Annotation: /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with BONE NEOPLASMS (IM) or specific precoord bone/neopl term (IM) or specific bone (IM) + BONE NEOPLASMS (IM) ID#: D018220

Fibroma, Ossifying

Definition: A benign, relatively slow-growing, central bone tumor, usually of the jaws (especially the mandible) which is composed of fibrous connective tissue within which bone is formed. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: /blood supply /chem /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with BONE NEOPLASMS (IM) or specific precoord bone/neopl term (IM) or specific bone (IM) + BONE NEOPLASMS (IM) ID#: D018214

Fibromatosis, Abdominal

Definition: A relatively large mass of unusually firm scarlike connective tissue resulting from active participation of fibroblasts, occurring most frequently in the abdominal muscles of women who have borne children. The fibroblasts infiltrate surrounding muscle and fascia. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: abdom refers to the abdom muscles; multiple; solitary = probably FIBROMA; do not use /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct; do not coord with ABDOMINAL MUSCLES or ABDOMINAL NEOPLASMS (see note there) ID#: D018221

Fibromatosis, Aggressive

Definition: A childhood counterpart of abdominal or extra-abdominal desmoid tumors, characterized by firm subcutaneous nodules that grow rapidly in any part of the body but do not metastasize. The adult form of abdominal fibromatosis is FIBROMATOSIS, ABDOMINAL. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: in children; do not use /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct; coord IM with precoord organ/neopl term if specified (IM) ID#: D018222

Fibromatosis, Gingival

Definition: Generalized or localized diffuse fibrous overgrowth of the gingival tissue, usually transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, but some cases are idiopathic and others produced by drugs. The enlarged gingiva is pink, firm, and has a leather-like consistency with a minutely pebbled surface and in severe cases the teeth are almost completely covered and the enlargement projects into the oral vestibule. (Dorland, 28th ed) Annotation: non-neoplastic; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005351

Fibromuscular Dysplasia

Definition: An idiopathic, segmental, nonatheromatous disease of the musculature of arterial walls, leading to stenosis of small and medium-sized arteries. Most commonly affected are the renal arteries; involvement of the axillary, iliac, basilar, carotid, hepatic and intracranial arteries have been reported. Annotation: affects musculature of arterial walls: do not confuse with various musc dis in Cat C5; coord IM with specific artery or pre-coord arterial dis (IM) ID#: D005352


Definition: A common nonarticular rheumatic syndrome characterized by myalgia and multiple points of focal muscle tenderness to palpation (trigger points). Muscle pain is typically aggravated by inactivity or exposure to cold. This condition is often associated with general symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, stiffness, HEADACHES, and occasionally DEPRESSION. There is significant overlap between fibromyalgia and the chronic fatigue syndrome (FATIGUE SYNDROME, CHRONIC). Fibromyalgia may arise as a primary or secondary disease process. It is most frequent in females aged 20 to 50 years. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1494-95) Annotation: ID#: D005356


Definition: A sarcoma derived from deep fibrous tissue, characterized by bundles of immature proliferating fibroblasts with variable collagen formation, which tends to invade locally and metastasize by the bloodstream. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: /blood supply /chem /second /secret /ultrastruct permitted; coord IM with precoord organ/neopl term (IM) ID#: D005354


Definition: Any pathological condition where fibrous connective tissue invades any organ, usually as a consequence of inflammation or other injury. Annotation: NIM only as pathol process with no qualif: coord with Cat A term /pathol (IM); several specific fibrosis terms are also available ID#: D005355

Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone

Definition: A disease of bone marked by thinning of the cortex and replacement of bone marrow by gritty fibrous tissue containing bony spicules, producing pain, disability, and gradually increasing deformity. Only one bone may be involved (FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, MONOSTOTIC) or several (FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, POLYOSTOTIC). (From Dorland, 28th ed) Annotation: GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics; periapical fibrous dysplasia = CEMENTOMA; craniofacial fibrous dysplasia = FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, POLYOSTOTIC (IM) + SKULL (IM) + FACIAL BONES (IM) ID#: D005357

Fibrous Dysplasia, Monostotic

Definition: FIBROUS DYSPLASIA OF BONE involving only one bone. Annotation: Jaffe-Lichtenstein usually goes here but check text for possible "polyostotic" ID#: D005358

Fibrous Dysplasia, Polyostotic

Definition: FIBROUS DYSPLASIA OF BONE affecting several or many bones. When associated with melanotic pigmentation of the skin and endocrine disorders, it is known as Albright's syndrome. (From Dorland, 28th ed) Annotation: sometimes Jaffe-Lichtenstein (usually monostotic) goes here: check text; craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: coord IM with FACIAL BONES (IM) + SKULL (IM) ID#: D005359


Definition: Infections with nematodes of the superfamily FILARIOIDEA. The presence of living worms in the body is mainly asymptomatic but the death of adult worms leads to granulomatous inflammation and permanent fibrosis. Organisms of the genus Elaeophora infect wild elk and domestic sheep causing ischaemic necrosis of the brain, blindness, and dermatosis of the face. Annotation: GEN: prefer specifics; drug ther: consider FILARICIDES ID#: D005368

Filoviridae Infections

Definition: Infections with viruses of the family FILOVIRIDAE. The infections in humans consist of a variety of clinically similar viral hemorrhagic fevers but the natural reservoir host is unknown. Annotation: GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics ID#: D018702

Finger Injuries

Definition: General or unspecified injuries involving the fingers. Annotation: consider also THUMB /inj ID#: D005383

Fish Diseases

Definition: Diseases of freshwater, marine, hatchery or aquarium fish. This term includes diseases of both teleosts (true fish) and elasmobranchs (sharks, rays and skates). Annotation: IM GEN or unspecified; coord IM with specific dis /vet (IM) & specific fish (IM); for abnormalities or injuries, index under FISHES /abnorm or FISHES /inj; don't forget also FISHES (NIM) & check tag ANIMAL; DF: FISH DIS ID#: D005393

Fissure in Ano

Definition: A painful linear ulcer at the margin of the anus. It appears as a crack or slit in the mucous membrane of the anus and is very painful and difficult to heal. (Dorland, 27th ed & Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: ulcer at margin of anus; do not confuse X ref ANAL FISSURE with ANAL FISTULA see RECTAL FISTULA ID#: D005401


Definition: Abnormal communication most commonly seen between two internal organs, or between an internal organ and the surface of the body. Annotation: GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics; coord IM with organ (IM) or precoord organ/dis term (IM); policy: Manual 23.19+; anal fistula or fistula in ano: index RECTAL FISTULA, not FISSURE IN ANO; artificial fistula: Manual 23.19.7; ECK FISTULA see PORTACAVAL SHUNT, SURGICAL is also available ID#: D005402

Flail Chest

Definition: A complication of multiple rib fractures, rib and sternum fractures, or thoracic surgery. A portion of the chest wall becomes isolated from the thoracic cage and exhibits paradoxical respiration. Annotation: compl of chest inj ID#: D005409

Flank Pain

Definition: Pain emanating from below the RIBS and above the ILIUM. Annotation: ID#: D021501


Definition: A condition in which one or more of the arches of the foot have flattened out. Annotation: congen or acquired ID#: D005413


Definition: Production or presence of gas in the gastrointestinal tract which may be expelled through the anus. Annotation: /drug ther: consider also ANTIFOAMING AGENTS; see note on "intestinal gases" under GASES ID#: D005414

Flaviviridae Infections

Definition: Infections with viruses of the family FLAVIVIRIDAE. Annotation: caused by members of the Flaviviridae family: do not confuse with FLAVIVIRUS INFECTIONS caused by members of the Flavivirus genus; GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics ID#: D018178

Flavivirus Infections

Definition: Infections with viruses of the genus FLAVIVIRUS, family FLAVIVIRIDAE. Annotation: caused by members of the Flavivirus genus: do not confuse with FLAVIVIRIDAE INFECTIONS caused by members of the Flaviviridae family; GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics ID#: D018177

Fluoride Poisoning

Definition: GEN or unspecified fluoride; prefer /pois with specific fluoride term Annotation: ID#: D005458

Fluorosis, Dental

Definition: A chronic endemic form of hypoplasia of the dental enamel caused by drinking water with a high fluorine content during the time of tooth formation, and characterized by defective calcification that gives a white chalky appearance to the enamel, which gradually undergoes brown discoloration. (Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286) Annotation: do not confuse with TOOTH DISCOLORATION; DF: FLUOROSIS DENT ID#: D009050


Definition: A transient reddening of the face that may be due to fever, certain drugs, exertion, stress, or a disease process. Annotation: note category: do not confuse with BLUSHING (F1 & F2) nor HOT FLASHES in menopause (C23) ID#: D005483

Focal Dermal Hypoplasia

Definition: A genetic skin disease characterized by hypoplasia of the dermis, herniations of fat, and hand anomalies. It is found exclusively in females and transmitted as an X-linked dominant trait. Annotation: sometimes called Goltz-Gorlin syndrome but do not confuse with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome which is same as GORLIN SYNDROME see BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005489

Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia

Definition: Hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the lips, tongue, and less commonly, the buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, and palate, presenting soft, painless, round to oval sessile papules about 1 to 4 mm in diameter. The condition usually occurs in children and young adults and has familial predilection, lasting for several months, sometimes years, before running its course. A viral etiology is suspected, the isolated organism being usually the human papillomavirus. (Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry; Belshe, Textbook of Human Virology, 2d ed, p954) Annotation: a mouth dis; DF: note short X ref ID#: D017573

Focal Infection

Definition: Annotation: IM; coord with precoord organ/dis site of infection (IM) + name of infection (IM) ID#: D005490

Focal Infection, Dental

Definition: Secondary or systemic infections due to dissemination throughout the body of microorganisms whose primary focus of infection lies in the periodontal tissues. Annotation: IM; coord with precoord organ/dis site of infection (IM) + name of infection (IM); DF: FOCAL INFECT DENT ID#: D005491

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

Definition: Benign, usually asymptomatic nodule of the liver, occurring chiefly in women. It is a firm, highly vascular mass resembling cirrhosis, usually with a stellate fibrous core containing numerous small bile ducts, and having vessels lined by Kupffer cells. (Dorland, 28th ed) Annotation: ID#: D020518

Folic Acid Deficiency

Definition: A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of FOLIC ACID in the diet. Many plant and animal tissues contain folic acid, abundant in green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver, and mushrooms but destroyed by long-term cooking. Alcohol interferes with its intermediate metabolism and absorption. Folic acid deficiency may develop in long-term anticonvulsant therapy or with use of oral contraceptives. This deficiency causes anemia, macrocytic anemia, and megaloblastic anemia. It is indistinguishable from vitamin B 12 deficiency in peripheral blood and bone marrow findings, but the neurologic lesions seen in B 12 deficiency do not occur. (Merck Manual, 16th ed) Annotation: a vitamin B defic; DF: FOLIC ACID DEFIC ID#: D005494

Follicular Cyst

Definition: Cyst due to the occlusion of the duct of a follicle or small gland. Annotation: non-neoplastic; /blood supply /chem /secret /ultrastruct permitted ID#: D005497


Definition: Inflammation of follicles, primarily hair follicles. Annotation: inflammation of hair follicles ID#: D005499

Food Hypersensitivity

Definition: Gastrointestinal disturbances, skin eruptions, or shock due to allergic reactions to allergens in food. Annotation: GEN: Prefer specific precoord; coord IM with specific food /adv eff (IM): Manual 31.12 ID#: D005512

Food Poisoning

Definition: Annotation: GEN only; prefer /pois with specific food items in Cat J2: Manual 31.11; MUSHROOM POISONING; PLANT POISONING; SALMONELLA FOOD POISONING & STAPHYLOCOCCAL FOOD POISONING are also available ID#: D005517

Foot Deformities

Definition: Alterations or deviations from normal shape or size which result in a disfigurement of the foot. Annotation: GEN or unspecified; prefer specifics ID#: D005530

Foot Deformities, Acquired

Definition: Distortion or disfigurement of the foot, or a part of the foot, acquired through disease or injury after birth. Annotation: deformity of bone, joint, muscle, etc. ID#: D005531

Foot Deformities, Congenital

Definition: Alterations or deviations from normal shape or size which result in a disfigurement of the foot occurring at or before birth. Annotation: do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005532

Foot Dermatoses

Definition: Skin diseases of the foot, general or unspecified. Annotation: GEN & coord for specific diseases of the foot; not as coord for neoplasms of the foot (use neopl coords (IM) with FOOT DISEASES (IM)); consider synonym for dermatitis of foot & do not add DERMATITIS unless one of the specific DERMATITIS terms in MeSH ID#: D005533

Foot Diseases

Definition: Anatomical and functional disorders affecting the foot. Annotation: skin dis on foot = FOOT DERMATOSES; neopl of foot: use neopl coords (IM) + FOOT DISEASES (IM) ID#: D005534

Foot Injuries

Definition: General or unspecified injuries involving the foot. Annotation: GEN or unspecified; consider also /inj with specific sites of foot ID#: D018409

Foot Rot

Definition: A disease of the horny parts and of the adjacent soft structures of the feet of cattle, swine, and sheep. It is usually caused by Corynebacterium pyogenes or Bacteroides nodosus (see DICHELOBACTER NODOSUS). It is also known as interdigital necrobacillosis. (From Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 18th ed) Annotation: coord IM with appropriate infection term (IM) + precoord animal/dis term (IM) + animal (NIM) or animal (IM) in absence of precoord + check tag ANIMAL ID#: D005535

Foot Ulcer

Definition: Lesion on the surface of the skin of the foot, usually accompanied by inflammation. The lesion may become infected or necrotic and is frequently associated with diabetes or leprosy. Annotation: DIABETIC FOOT is also available ID#: D016523

Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Definition: Annotation: caused by a picornavirus: do not confuse with HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE, a Coxsackie virus infect; check tag ANIMAL; DF: FOOT MOUTH DIS ID#: D005536

Forearm Injuries

Definition: Injuries to the part of the upper limb of the body between the wrist and elbow. Annotation: GEN & unspecified for soft tissue & bones; consider also /inj with specific bones & also specific fracture terms; available also are HAND INJURIES; FINGER INJURIES & WRIST INJURIES ID#: D005543

Foreign Bodies

Definition: Annotation: coord IM with organ (IM), not organ/dis: Manual 21.39; EYE FOREIGN BODIES is available; FOREIGN-BODY MIGRATION & FOREIGN-BODY REACTION are also available ID#: D005547

Foreign-Body Migration

Definition: Migration of a foreign body from its original location to some other location in the body. Annotation: note category ID#: D005548

Foreign-Body Reaction

Definition: Chronic inflammation and granuloma formation around irritating foreign bodies. Annotation: note category: in presence of a dis, use /etiol, not /compl ID#: D005549

Fournier Gangrene

Definition: An acute infective gangrene involving the scrotum, penis, or perineum caused by gram-positive organisms, enteric bacilli, and anaerobes, usually resulting from local trauma, operative procedures, or urinary tract disease. Annotation: coord IM with specific site or organ/diseases term (NIM) or with specific bact infect (NIM) only if particularly discussed; usually in male ID#: D018934

Fowl Plague

Definition: Infection of domestic and wild fowl and other birds with INFLUENZA A VIRUS, AVIAN. Annotation: caused by a strain of influenza A virus; don't forget also BIRDS or POULTRY (NIM) & check tag ANIMAL ID#: D005585


Definition: A poxvirus infection of poultry and other birds characterized by the formation of wart-like nodules on the skin and diphtheritic necrotic masses (cankers) in the upper digestive and respiratory tracts. Annotation: caused by a poxvirus; don't forget also BIRDS or POULTRY (NIM) & check tag ANIMAL ID#: D005586

Fox-Fordyce Disease

Definition: Chronic pruritic disease, usually in women, characterized by small follicular papular eruptions in apocrine areas. It is caused by obstruction and rupture of intraepidermal apocrine ducts. (From Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: pruritic apocrine dis in women ID#: D005588


Definition: Breaks in bones or cartilage. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: IM; coord with specific organ /inj (IM) but note many precoord organ/fract terms & note the many clin types; TN 87: various types of fract surg; penile fract: index under PENIS /inj (IM) + RUPTURE (NIM) ID#: D005595

Fractures, Closed

Definition: Fractures in which the break in bone is not accompanied by an external wound. Annotation: fract not causing an open wound; IM; coord with precoord organ/fract term (IM), as "closed fract of tibia" = FRACTURES, CLOSED (IM) + TIBIAL FRACTURES (IM); if no precoord organ/fract term is available, coord IM with organ /inj (IM), as "closed fract of fibula" = FRACTURES, CLOSED (IM) + FIBULA /inj (IM) ID#: D005596

Fractures, Comminuted

Definition: A fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: fract where bone is splintered or crushed; IM; coord with specific organ/inj or precoord organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D018460

Fractures, Malunited

Definition: Union of the fragments of a fractured bone in a faulty or abnormal position. If two bones parallel to one another unite by osseous tissue, the result is a crossunion. (From Manual of Orthopaedic Terminology, 4th ed) Annotation: faulty union of a fract; do not confuse with FRACTURES, UNUNITED; IM; coord with specific organ/inj or precoord organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D017759

Fractures, Open

Definition: Fractures in which there is an external wound communicating with the break of the bone. Annotation: fract causing an open wound; IM; coord with specific organ/inj or precoord organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D005597

Fractures, Spontaneous

Definition: Fractures occurring as a result of disease of a bone or from some undiscoverable cause, and not due to trauma. (Dorland, 27th ed) Annotation: fract not caused by trauma; IM; coord with specific organ /inj or organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D005598

Fractures, Stress

Definition: Fractures due to the strain caused by repetitive exercise. They are thought to arise from a combination of muscle fatigue and bone failure, and occur in situations where bone remodeling predominates over repair. The classical stress fracture is the march fracture of military personnel, in which the metatarsal undergoes repeated stress during marching. The most common sites of stress fractures are the metatarsus, fibula, tibia, and femoral neck. Annotation: fract caused by repetitive strain; X ref FATIGUE FRACTURES refers to bone fractures: do not use for metal fatigue as in fatigue fract of amalgams, nails, screw plates, etc (index under STRESS, MECHANICAL); coord IM with specific organ /inj or organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D015775

Fractures, Ununited

Definition: A fracture in which union fails to occur, the ends of the bone becoming rounded and eburnated, and a false joint occurs. (Stedman, 25th ed) Annotation: fract where union does not occur; do not confuse with FRACTURES, MALUNITED; IM; coord with specific organ/inj or precoord organ/fract term (IM) ID#: D005599

Fragile X Syndrome

Definition: A condition characterized genotypically by mutation of the distal end of the long arm of the X chromosome (at gene loci FRAXA or FRAXE) and phenotypically by cognitive impairment, hyperactivity, SEIZURES, language delay, and enlargement of the ears, head, and testes. MENTAL RETARDATION occurs in nearly all males and roughly 50% of females with the full mutation of FRAXA. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p226) Annotation: ID#: D005600


Definition: A condition occurring in dizygotic twins of different sexes in cattle, when anastomoses of placental vessels permit interchange of hormones and cells during fetal life. The female calf is a sterile intersex due to passage of androgens from the male, and both calves are blood cell chimeras with immune tolerance, due to interchange of cells in utero. Annotation: ID#: D005611

Friedreich Ataxia

Definition: An autosomal recessive disease, usually of childhood onset, characterized pathologically by degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts, posterior columns, and to a lesser extent the corticospinal tracts. Clinical manifestations include GAIT ATAXIA, pes cavus, speech impairment, lateral curvature of spine, rhythmic head tremor, kyphoscoliosis, congestive heart failure (secondary to a cardiomyopathy), and lower extremity weakness. Most forms of this condition are associated with a mutation in a gene on chromosome 9, at band q13, which codes for the mitochondrial protein frataxin. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1081; N Engl J Med 1996 Oct 17;335(16):1169-75) The severity of Friedreich ataxia associated with expansion of GAA repeats in the first intron of the frataxin gene correlates with the number of trinucleotide repeats. (From Durr et al, N Engl J Med 1996 Oct 17;335(16):1169-75) Annotation: ID#: D005621

Frontal Sinusitis

Definition: Inflammation of the frontal sinus; in most cases the infection is caused by the bacteria STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE and HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE. This condition may be acute or chronic. Annotation: ID#: D015522


Definition: Damage to tissues as the result of low environmental temperatures. Annotation: ID#: D005627

Fructose Intolerance

Definition: An autosomal recessive fructose metabolism disorder due to deficient fructose-1-phosphate aldolase (EC activity, resulting in accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate. The accumulated fructose-1-phosphate inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, causing severe hypoglycemia following ingestion of fructose. Prolonged fructose ingestion in infants leads ultimately to hepatic failure and death. Patients develop a strong distaste for sweet food, and avoid a chronic course of the disease by remaining on a fructose- and sucrose-free diet. Annotation: an inborn error of fructose metab; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005633

Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors

Definition: Inherited abnormalities of fructose metabolism, which include three known autosomal recessive types: hepatic fructokinase deficiency (essential fructosuria), hereditary fructose intolerance, and hereditary fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency. Essential fructosuria is a benign asymptomatic metabolic disorder caused by deficiency in fructokinase, leading to decreased conversion of fructose to fructose-1-phosphate and alimentary hyperfructosemia, but with no clinical dysfunction; may produce a false-positive diabetes test. Annotation: an inborn error of carbohydrate metab; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; DF: FRUCTOSE METAB INBORN ERR ID#: D015318

Fructose-1,6-Diphosphatase Deficiency

Definition: An autosomal recessive fructose metabolism disorder due to absent or deficient fructose-1,6-diphosphatase activity. Gluconeogenesis is impaired, resulting in accumulation of gluconeogenic precursors (e.g., amino acids, lactate, ketones) and manifested as hypoglycemia, ketosis, and lactic acidosis. Episodes in the newborn infant are often lethal. Later episodes are often brought on by fasting and febrile infections. As patients age through early childhood, tolerance to fasting improves and development becomes normal. Annotation: an inborn error of fructose metab; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES; DF: FDP DEFIC ID#: D015319

Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy

Definition: Disorder caused by loss of endothelium of the central cornea. It is characterized by hyaline endothelial outgrowths on Descemet's membrane, epithelial blisters, reduced vision, and pain. Annotation: a corneal dystrophy ID#: D005642


Definition: An autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency of ALPHA-L-FUCOSIDASE activity resulting in an accumulation of fucose containing SPHINGOLIPIDS, GLYCOPROTEINS, and mucopolysaccharides (GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS) in lysosomes. The infantile form (type I) features psychomotor deterioration, MUSCLE SPASTICITY, coarse facial features, growth retardation, skeletal abnormalities, visceromegaly, SEIZURES, recurrent infections, and MACROGLOSSIA, with death occurring in the first decade of life. Juvenile fucosidosis (type II) is the more common variant and features a slowly progressive decline in neurologic function and angiokeratoma corporis diffusum. Type II survival may be through the fourth decade of life. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p87; Am J Med Genet 1991 Jan;38(1):111-31) Annotation: ID#: D005645


Definition: The presence of fungi circulating in the blood. Opportunistic fungal sepsis is seen most often in immunosuppressed patients with severe neutropenia or in postoperative patients with intravenous catheters and usually follows prolonged antibiotic therapy. Annotation: coord with specific fungus/infect heading or specific fungus if specific fungus infect is not in MeSH (do not use /blood to indicate -emia) ID#: D016469

Funnel Chest

Definition: A developmental anomaly in which the lower sternum is posteriorly dislocated and concavely deformed, resulting in a funnel-shaped thorax. Annotation: a sternum abnorm; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005660

Furcation Defects

Definition: Conditions in which a bifurcation or trifurcation of the molar tooth root becomes denuded as a result of periodontal disease. It may be followed by tooth mobility, temperature sensitivity, pain, and alveolar bone resorption. Annotation: a periodontal dis ID#: D017823


Definition: An infection where furuncles are present over a period of weeks to months. Species of STAPHYLOCOCCUS are usually the causative agents. Annotation: Staph skin infect; consider also CARBUNCLE, also usually caused by Staph (but not malignant carbuncle which = ANTHRAX) ID#: D005667

Fused Teeth

Definition: Two teeth united during development by the union of their tooth germs; the teeth may be joined by the enamel of their crowns, by their root dentin, or by both. Annotation: tooth abnorm; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES ID#: D005671

Fusobacterium Infections

Definition: Infections with bacteria of the genus FUSOBACTERIUM. Annotation: gram-neg bact infect; DF: FUSOBACT INFECT ID#: D005674